Millions of students are studying in our svhools ,if we look in to there minds everyone is in a race to become richer and successful but they are not getting what they are striving for .The question arises that whose fault is it?Is it our system or us?.Honestly both of them are equally responsible for what they are facing nowadays .The main reason of there failure is that they have spent there lives in schools but they have never learned about money.People are leaarning to work for money but they are not learning that money should work for them .We as a society should look onto this matter as a whole because our definition of success is not what it should have been .We are taught from the start of our lives that we should gain education so that we could earn enough money to spend our lives in mediocracy .We consider a person is successful if he is having a job in government institute or company gaining only a few amount of money .But we are never taught that we should work for our own.We should create opportunities instead of aiming a simpler life working in a cabin.We should also keep this thing in our mind that nothiing comes in the first night ,you have to struggle harder and harder for success . The aim should be the improvement and progress even its of a single penny.You may start from a shop or anything consider more smaller in scale but you should have the inner satisfaction that you are struggling hard.
From the start should make a aim,without aim you cant achieve anything .After it you should have a good idea.We should understand this thing that ideas at the inception always look impossoble,but you should have faith in your skills and hard work that you can make the impossoble possible.If we look into the pages of history when the idea of flying was given by the Wright brothers everyone thought that its impossible but in the end they proved there mettle and now there are thousands of companies of aeroplanes.The history is full of examples ,any company you name it and it has a unique story like Wright brother but all you need is hardwork and faith in ALLAH ALMIGHTY that you will be rewarded one day.
In the end I would advice that we should stop blaming others for our failures and start taking the blame on yourself for what you are now.And its never too late for a new beginning.